Expedition NP1 Dual Time 24H - Les Montres Russes

Expedition NP1 Dual Time 24H


СЕВЕРНЫЙ ПОЛЮС­­ 1 was the first Soviet manned drifting station used for scientific hydrological and geographical research of polar area.
The North Pole-1 polar station was opened on June 6, 1937 some 20 kilometers from the North Pole and operated for 9 months, during which the ice floe travelled 2,850 kilometers. The expedition ended 75 years ago – on February 19, 1938 the Soviet ice breakers took four polar explorers – hydrobiologist Piotr Shirshov, geophysicist Yevgeny Fiodorov, radioman Ernst Krenkel and the leader Ivan Papaninov – from the station close to the eastern coast of Greenland.

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